
Is AI taking over advertising?

Put down your pitchfork and take a deep breath—the robots aren’t taking over quite yet. But the robots have traveled out of the abyss into the advertising landscape. Just yesterday, Google introduced complex AI features into its Performance Max platform.

Let’s start with a Sparknotes-style explanation of Performance Max. In short, Performance Max allows advertisers to access all of their Google Ads inventory—YouTube, Display Network, Search, Shopping, Discover, etc.—from a single campaign.

Well, Google’s new features allow advertisers to create and scale text and image assets using AI. The media giant says these new features will help with A/B testing.

In a blog published recently, Google writes, “An agency might want to update a client’s images to include different variations of winter scenery to make them more relevant for the holiday shopping season.”

Here’s what that would look like.

…Can we bring back the good old days of Microsoft Paint and Nokia cell phones?

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