5 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Presence

Just as creating a product isn’t the same as selling your product, creating your social media accounts doesn’t mean you are growing an online presence. Building a buzz, and loyalty to your brand requires the same effort as painstakingly bringing your idea to life in a tangible product. So, if you’re longing for friends in the thousands, followers, likes, and shares – read on! Here are 5 ways to improve your social media presence.

Optimize Your Profiles

Each social media platform offers the opportunity to show-and-tell the world about your business. Though they may vary slightly, most include a profile picture (use your logo,) a banner image, and sections for biographical information. Use keywords when filling out your profile or page so people can find you when they search. Be sure to utilize every section. Be clear and detailed when describing what your brand is known for and end with a clear call-to-action, like Learn More or Shop Now.


  • Use the same profile image and handle across all platforms – keep your brand consistent.
  • Cross-promote your website and other social media accounts in your profile.
  • Ask for reviews, endorsements, and testimonials from clients and colleagues – people trust those more than ads.
  • Pin your best content to the top of your profile, if applicable.

Post to Your Audience

You may know everything about your product, but do you know everyone it can benefit? If not, it’s time to do some research. Ask an unproductive salesperson who their product is for and you’ll most likely hear, “everyone!” Ask someone successful in sales and they’ll begin listing target demographics and other characteristics of their target audience. Once you’ve identified your audience, figure out what speaks to them:

  • Solve their problem
  • Teach them something new about your industry
  • Make them laugh
  • Let them in on a secret
  • Use compelling media

Go after them on an emotional level using humor, shock, and awe – just keep in mind that positive posts are shared far more than the negative.

Engage with Your Friends and Followers

This one seems like common sense, yet so often it’s ignored, communicate with those who engage with your page! If you ask for feedback and it’s given, say thank you. If you post a poll and people respond, report the results. If you share news about your product and someone asks a question, answer it.

Even better, be proactive with your engagement. If someone likes something you posted, follow them back and like something of theirs’. Not only is reciprocity courteous, but it also breeds brand loyalty and nets you more followers because you return the favor. Plus, there’s no bigger thrill than Tweeting at your favorite brand and seeing they liked and retweeted you!

Lastly, figure out who the influencers are in your industry and follow them. Like and comment on their posts and they may follow you back or share your content – then sit back and watch as a flurry of followers pour in because a celebrity gave you an @mention.

Stay on Trend

You may not be into it, but you must know:

Use relevant hashtags in your own posts to join conversations that are already happening online.

Be Human

Appearing corporate and stiff online does your company zero favors. Social media is oddly intimate and – even for all its algorithms and A.I. – surprisingly human. Humans don’t cultivate relationships with technology; show your brand’s personality.

Track trending hashtags and join in the movement; follow local, national, and/or world news (depending on your business) and inform your audience or start a conversation; share funny memes; join industry chats and participate – as long as it’s relevant to your business and appropriate, put yourself in the middle of the action. You’ll start being known as an industry-influencer which is the mecca of social media presence.

Actively Post

The only thing worse than a business with no social media presence is one with an abandoned feed. If a potential customer happens upon your Facebook page and the last time you updated your status was in 2007, they’ll think you’ve gone out of business! Show up and post frequently – daily if you can!

If you haven’t exercised in ten years, you don’t start back and run a marathon on day one. The same goes for social media. If the thought of posting every day sounds daunting, don’t. Start with every other day – or even twice per week – just start! Then work your way up to at least once per weekday, depending on the platform. Also, work smart, not hard:

  • Use a social media management tool. Not only can you post to all of your accounts from a central location, but you can also schedule posts hours, days, even weeks in advance. Talk about set it and forget it! (But don’t forget to keep doing it!)
  • Create a content calendar so you’re never scrambling for ideas. Plan out a week or two in advance but leave space for trending topics and breaking news.
  • Repurpose and curate content. Update engaging content for extra mileage and curate relevant content from other sources. (Link and give credit.)

Most of all, though, have fun! Social media is a virtual party and the best way to give and get instant feedback from clients and potential clients. It’s also an opportunity for connecting with people who otherwise would never have found your brand. If nothing else, it’s an infinite amount of advertising that doesn’t cost you a dime.

We’d love to help you create and manage your social media presence, contact us today!

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